New York Times Looks at the State of Search Engine Marketing – A Must-Read

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Brock Murray
Co-Founder / COO

Magnifying glass highlighting different search engines, google, bing, ask and yahoo
Magnifying glass highlighting different search engines, google, bing, ask and yahoo

If you’re looking for a helpful article to help frame your online marketing and  search engine optimization  strategy, look no further than  this piece in the April 3rd edition of the New York Times.

The article looks at Google’s continued dominance in the search field as well as the types of challenges the Mountain View giant is facing – and what it can mean for your business.

Google leads the way

First and foremost, Google’s lead in the search market remains strong. According to recent data, 67 percent of Web searches are conducted on Google-related sites. At the same time, total US internet advertising spending continues to rise; eMarketer predicts it to reach $50 billion in 2015, with a little less of half of that being devoted to search engine marketing.

Specialized sites remain relevant

So the takeaway? Google will remain the leader for the foreseeable future. That said, more and more users are gravitating towards specialized sites for specific types of queries. For example, if they’re looking for a sushi restaurant in San Francisco, they’re more inclined to check Yelp.

But this isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition. Your  SEO  efforts should be coupled with a strong  social media marketing  strategy so you can reach customers across multiple sites.

Avatar for Brock Murray

Brock Murray

Brock Murray is the COO and co-founder of seoplus+ digital marketing agency. As the driving force behind this award-winning, full-service agency, Brock's passion is helping businesses establish, grow, and maintain their online presence. With the help of SEO, PPC, social media, content marketing, and more, Brock and his team help clients of varying sizes and verticals, from small, local retailers to large, multinational enterprise companies.

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